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Perchè studiare con noi

La laurea Magistrale in Fisica è articolata in tre curricula che offrono percorsi didattici molto vicini a quelli esitenti nelle quattro "vecchie" Lauree Specialistiche (Fisica delle Interazioni Fondamentali, Fisica dell'Ambiente e Biomedica, Fisica delle Tecnologie Avanzate e Astrofisica e Fisica Cosmica). Il passaggio da quattro lauree con denominazioni differenti ad una sola è avvenuto per applicare le nuove norme previste dal DM 270/04. I tre curricula della Laurea Magistrale in Fisica sono:

  • Astrofisica e Fisica Teorica
  • Fisica del Sistema Meteoclimatico, Generale e delle Tecnologie Avanzate
  • Fisica Nucleare, Sub-Nucleare e Biomedica

I corsi di laurea Magistrale permettono di raggiungere una più spiccata specializzazione nei vari settori scientifici ed applicativi. 

Presentazione del corso di Laurea Magistrale (edizione 2023)

Informazioni utili

Studenti lavoratori

Per approfondire consulta la sezione dedicata a studenti lavoratori

Why study with us

The Physics course of studies at the University of Turin is organized according to the so called 3+2 scheme, and includes a bachelor's degree followed by a master's degree:

Bachelor's Degree
The Bachelor's degree requires 3 years of coursework (full-time), corresponding to 180 university credits (cfu).
The Bachelor's degree in Physics has a single generic curriculum developed on a common educational pathway covering 85% of the credits.  The remaining 25% of the credits can be chosen among a number of  free courses that best reflect the student's specific interests.

Master Degree in Physics
The Bachelor's degree in Physics has a natural continuation in the Master's degree, consisting in 2 year of coursework (full-time) for a total of 120 cfu; 75 cfu will have to be acquired by following curricular courses, assessed by examinations, while the remaining 45 cfu will correspond to the final thesis project. 
The Master Course of Studies consists of four modules: the first three (corresponding to the first three semesters of the two academic years) include the lecture courses, which are assessed by examinations in February, June-July and September. The fourth module is the thesis project on a topic of current research, prepared under the guidance of a supervisor with expertise in the area. A wide variety of possible dissertation topics, presented in dedicated meetings with the students, is offered every academic year. 
We provide research topics at the forefront of current research areas, with good facilities, high quality supervision and monitoring and with relevant postgraduate lecture courses and seminars, as well as opportunities to attend by-weekly colloquia and conferences organized by our local researchers.

As of the 2009/2010 Academic Year, 2 different Master's Degrees are activated:

Master Degree in Physics: educational pathways
We offer three possible MSc educational pathways, called “curricula”, each of them further divided in different specializations:

  • Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics 
  • Nuclear and subnuclear Physics and Biomedical Physics 
  • Advanced Technologies and Meteo-Climate Systems

Open the list of courses taught in English

The Master degree in Physics program is accredited at Regione Piemonte. This procedure involves a rigorous evaluation of the quality of teaching and student services.
The quality of our activity in relation to these aims has been positively evaluated by the Conference of Rectors (C.R.U.I).
The environment is very easy to live in. Not overcrowded and very informal, it is meant to encourage a lively collaborations and nurture constructive relationships among students as well as nurturing constructive interactions between students and faculty members. New students generally do not find themselves bewildered or intimidated, they are well looked after, and supported by lecturers and tutors. Most of the lecturers carry on their research work at the Physics Institute and are always available for explanations and discussions.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/08/2023 09:51
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