Michela Chiosso
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- SSD: FIS/01 - fisica sperimentale

- +39 011 670 7266 / 7411
- michela.chiosso@unito.it
- Dipartimento di Fisica
V. P. Giuria 1
10125 Torino - ItalyStudio: T31 - Piano Terra, Vecchio Edificio
Laboratorio: T29 - Piano Terra, Vecchio Edificio - https://www.fisicamagistrale.unito.it/persone/michela.chiosso
- VCard contatti
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- Corso di laurea in Fisica
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Fisica
- Phd in Physics
- Esperimentazioni II (corso A) (FIS0112)
Corso di laurea in Fisica - Fisica 3 (corso B) (FIS0110)
Corso di laurea in Fisica - Particelle elementari II (MFN0879)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Fisica
Temi di ricerca
- Detection techniques in particles physics
- Front-End Electronics
- Study of the 3D hadron structure
- Cosmic rays physics
Participation and leadership in International and National Collaborations
EIC and EPIC at BNL (US): Member of the Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG) and of the EPIC collaboration. Chair of the EICUG Talks and Conference Committee (2020-2022)
AMBER at CERN: Member of the International Collaboration. Member of the Executive Board. Deputy coordinator of the antiproton production cross-section measurement
COMPASS at CERN: Member of the International Collaboration since 2005. INFN National Coordinator of the Experiment (2019-2022). Member of the Executive Board since 2015. Run Coordinator of the Experiment in 2015. Deputy Coordinator of the Drell-Yan Physics Analysis Group since 2015
RD51 at CERN: Member of the International Collaboration since 2011
AUGER: at the Pierre Auger International Observatory, Malargue (Argentina).
Member of the International Collaboration in the period 2000-2004
RADIOLAB: INFN National Project. INFN–Torino project leader since 2014
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
- The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications
- STRONG 2020 - TMDNext - WP22_JRA4 3D Structure of the nucleon in momentum space
- A new dark matter hunting
Tutti i miei progetti di ricerca
Attività in agenda
Ricevimento studenti
Su appuntamento, per mail o per telefono.Proposte di tesi, tirocini e stage